Covenant Theology is the Gospel set in the context of God's eternal plan of communion with His people and its historical outworking in the covenants of works and grace...Ligon Duncan
Subject Headings and Shelf Browsing for Covenant Theology
Covenant Theology is organized under the Doctrine of God in LC classification. Most of the material can be found in the BT 155 section of the library although relevant material can also be found in the BX section especially in the areas dealing with Reformed Creeds and denominations. Use subject heading keywords such as “Federal theology” “Covenant of Works” and “Covenant of Grace.” Dispensationalism is found right next door to covenant theology in the BT 157 section. You may also want to check out BT 855 for Premillennialism. Another keyword you can search for dispensational critiques of Covenant Theology is “Replacement Theology.”