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Systematic Theology Resources: Christology, Soteriology, Eschatology

This guide is designed to help RTS students discovery library resources to help them complete assigned coursework in their systematic theology courses.

Subject Headings and Shelf Browsing

The section on Christology is a large one in the library running from BT 198 to BT 590. For a further breakdown of subject headings, open the .pdf document below. In addition, you may also want to check out BS 2415 and BS 2530 for material on the New Testament teachings about Jesus. For Christological heresies look at BT 1313.

Soteriology or the Doctrine of Salvation can be browsed from BT 749 to BT 810. See also material under Covenant theology in the BT 155 section as well as the atonement which is treated under the doctrine of Christ in BT 260-267. For more subject headings as well as a more detailed treatment, open the .PDF below.

Eschatology is treated under BT 819 to BT 940. Other relevant material can be found under the doctrine of the Kingdom of God in BT 94. For more subject headings as well as a more detailed treatment, open the .PDF below.

Books on Christology

Books on Soteriology

Books on Eschatology

For more resources see the "Covenant Theology" page under the "Required Core ST Courses"