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Reserve readings guide - Fall 2024: Orlando reserves

Where to find reserve readings (by course)


This list is a guide for you to locate required readings for Spring 2023 courses at RTS (note: this does not apply to RTS-Global courses).

If you have questions, contact the Library staff at your campus.



Book title Author

EBOOK database?

(EBSCO or ProQuest)

Other online source?


History of Christianity II

(Dr. Josh Bruce)

Three Treatises Luther   CCEL.ORG
  Spiritual Mindedness Owen   Monergism
  Protestantism and Progress Troeltsch   Internet Archive
  Christianity and Liberalism Machen  


  Melanchthon and Bucer Ed. Pauck   Google Books

Augustine and the City of God

(Dr. Michael Allen)

City of God  trans. Dods    
  City of God  trans.  Babcock    
  City of God  trans.  Bettenson    

Greek Exegesis

(Dr. Zachary J. Cole)

Greek New Testament, 5th ed. Aland, et. al.   Online
  Novum Tesamentum Graece, 28th ed. Nestle & Aland


  A Biblical-Theological Introduction to the New Testament Ed. Kruger EBSCO  
  Going Deeper with New Testament Greek (revised edition) Kostenberger, Merkle, and Plummer    
  How to Understand and Apply the New Testament Naselli EBSCO  

Pauline Epistles

(Dr. Zachary J. Cole)

A Theology of Paul and His Letters: The Gift of the New Realm in 
Moo Proquest  


Paul: An Outline of His Theology Ridderbos    
  Paul and the Power of Grace Barclay    

Text and Canon

(Dr. Zachary J. Cole)

How We Got the Bible: Old and New Testament Canon and Text Lanier & Ross    
  Myths and Mistakes in New Testament Textual Criticism Hixson and Gurry EBSCO  


(Rev. Michael J. Glodo)

Preaching Christ from the Old Testament Greidanus    
  Echoes of Scripture in the Gospel Hays    
  He Gave Us Stories Pratt Jr.    


Trinity, Revelation, and Reading Jamieson & Wittman    
  Biblical Reasoning Swain    
  Covenant Theology Ed. Waters, Reid, Muether EBSCO  

Hebrew II

(Dr. Mark Futato)

Beginning Biblical Hebrew Futato EBSCO  


A Biblical Hebrew Reference Grammar Van der Merwe, Christo, and Naude EBSCO  
  Bibila Hebraica Stuttgartensia Elliger and Rudolph, eds.   Internet Archive
  A Concise Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament Holladay    


Basics of Hebrew Accents Futato    


(Dr. Mark Futato)

Interpreting the Psalms: An Exegetical Handbook Futato EBSCO  
  The Wisdom of Proverbs, Job, and Ecclesiastes Kidner EBSCO  
  Old Testament Today Walton EBSCO  

Isaiah to Malachi

(Dr. Scott Redd)

An Introduction to the Old Testament. 2nd edition.  Longman and Dillard EBSCO  
  A Biblical-Theological Introduction to the Old Testament Ed. Van Pelt EBSCO  
  Handbook on the Prophets Chisholm EBSCO  

Hebrew Readings

(Dr. Mark D. Futato)

The Art of Biblical Narrative Alter ProQuest  
  The Hebrew Bible: A Translation with Commentary Alter EBSCO  
  Narrative Art in the Bible Bar-Efrat EBSCO  
  Poetics and Interpretation of Biblical Narrative Berlin    
  The Poetics of Biblical Narrative: Ideological
Literature and the Drama of Reading
  Ruth: A Handbook on the Hebrew Text Holmstedt    
   Ruth: A Guide to Reading Biblical Hebrew Howell EBSCO  

Career and Lifestyle Development

(Rachel M. Blackston)

Applying Career Development Theory to Counseling (6th ed.) Sharf    
  Every Good Endeavor Keller EBSCO  
  What Color Is Your Parachute? Job-Hunter's Workbook Bolles EBSCO  
  Career Counseling Zunker    
  Live Your Calling Brennfleck and Brennfleck    
  What Am I Supposed to Do with My Life? Brouwer    
  The Call: Guinness   Internet Archive
  Fabric of this World Hardy    
  Rescuing Ambition Harvey and Mahaney    
  Responsive Labor Jensen   Google Books
  A Sacred Voice is Calling Neafsay   Google Books
  Work Matters Nelson    
  Let Your Life Speak: Listening to the Voice of Vocation Parker    
  Do What You Are Tieger    

Professional, Ethical, and Legal Studies

(Mr. Matt Casada)

Issues and Ethics in the Helping Professions, 10th ed. Corey, Corey, Corey, and Callanan    
  ACA Ethical Standards Casebook, 7th ed. Herlihy, Corey EBSCO  

Couples and Family Counseling I

(Dr. Scott Coupland)

The Essentials of Family Therapy Nichols    
  Doing Family Therapy: Craft and Creativity in Clinical Practice Taibbi    
  Genograms: Assessment and Intervention McGoldrick    

Couples and Family Counseling II

(Dr. Scott Coupland)

Stepping into Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy: Key Ingredients to Change Brubacher EBSCO  
  Becoming an Emotional Focused Couple Therapy: The Workbook Johnson, Bradley, Burrow, Alison, Palmer, Tilley, Woolley    
  The Meaning of Marriage Keller and Keller EBSCO  


Neuroscience Informed Counseling

(Dr. Scott Coupland)

Parenting from the Inside Out Siegel and Hartzell EBSCO  
  Anatomy of the Soul Thompson EBSCO  


(Professor Elizabeth Pennock and Dr. Scott Coupland)

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th ed.) American Psychiatric Association    
  In Our Lives First: Meditations for Counselors Langberg    

Communication I

(Professor Mike Glodo)

Christ-Centered Preaching (3rd ed.) Chapell    
  Give Praise to God: A Vision for Reforming Worship Johnson and Duncan EBSCO
  Leading in Prayer: A Workbook for Worship Old    

Exposition of Zechariah 

(Professor Mike Glodo)

Book of Zechariah  Boda EBSCO  
  An Introduction to the Old testament  Dillard & Longman  EBSCO  
  The Message of Zechariah: Your Kingdom Come  Webb     

Church Polity

(Mr. John R. Muether)

The Book of Church Order of the Presbyterian Church in America     Internet
  An Ecclesiastical Catechism of the Presbyterian Church Smyth   Internet
  How Jesus Runs the Church Waters    

Field Education Seminar

(Rev. Michael Osborne)

Surviving Ministry Osborne EBSCO  
  The Heart of a Servant Leader: Letters from Jack Miller Miller    
  The Contemplative Pastor Peterson   Internet Archive


Leading with a Limp Allender    
  The Imperfect Pastor Eswine EBSCO  
  The Emotionally Healthy Church Scazzero    

Christology, Soteriology, Eschatology

(Dr. Michael Allen)

Christian Dogmatics Ed. Allen and Swain EBSCO  
  On the Unity of Christ Cyril of Alexandria    
  Institutes of the Christian Religion Calvin EBSCO CCEL.ORG
  Grounded in Heaven Allen    
  The Culture of Theology Webster    

Ecclesiology and Sacraments

(Dr. Scott R. Swain)

Christian Dogmatics Ed. Allen and Swain EBSCO  
  Spreading the Feast Griffith    
  Covenant, Community, and the Spirit Sherman EBSCO  
  The Case for Covenantal Infant Baptism Ed. Strawbridge    
  Guidebook for Instruction in the Christian Religion Bavinck    

Christian Thought and Philosophy

(Professor Justin Holcomb)

Revolutions in Worldview Ed. Hoffecker    
  Philosophy for Understanding Theology Allen and Springsted   Internet Archive
  The Domestication of Transcendence: How Modern Thinking about God Went Wrong Placher    

Pastoral and Social Ethics

(Dr. Michael Allen)

Faith and Sanctification Berkouwer    
  Treatise on Good Works Luther ProQuest CCEL.ORG
  The Ten Commandments Miller EBSCO  

Christian Encounter with Islam

(Dr. Keith Johnson)

The Qur'an Haleem EBSCO  
  Cross and Crescent (2nd ed.) Chapman EBSCO  
  Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus Qureshi EBSCO  

Christ, Culture, and Contextualization

(Dr. Colson)

Christ and Culture Re-visited  Carson EBSCO  
  Living in God’s Two Kingdoms  VanDrunen EBSCO
  Destroyer of the gods: Early Christian Distinctiveness in the Roman World  Hurtado    
  Biblical Critical Theory  Watkin EBSCO  
  How to Reach the West Again  Keller   Redeemer

Septuagint Readings 

(Dr. Greg Lanier)

Septuaginta: A Reader’s Edition Lanier & Ross    
  Septuaginta: Editio altera Rahlfs   Academic Bible
  What is the Septuagint and Why Does it Matter?  An Introduction to the Greek Old Testament.  Lanier & Ross