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Reserve readings guide - Fall 2024: New York reserves

New York reserves

New York City

This list is a guide for you to locate required readings for Spring 2023 courses (note: this does not apply to RTS-Global courses).

If you have questions, contact the Library staff at your campus.



Book title Author

EBOOK database?

(EBSCO or ProQuest)

Other online source?


Greek II

(Dr. Benjamin White )

Novum Testamentum Graece Nestle-Aland (28th ed.) EBSCO Nestle-Aland online
  Basics of Biblical Greek Grammar 4th ed. Mounce EBSCO  
  Basics of Biblical Greek Workbook 4th ed. Mounce EBSCO  

Pauline Epistles 

(Dr. Paul S. Jeon)

In the Fullness of Time Gaffin EBSCO  
  Perspectives Old and New on Paul Westerholm    
  Empowered by Joy. Paul Jeon    
  Introducing Romans      
  Notes on Galatians      
  Living Intentionally before God      
  True Faith      
  God’s Wisdom for Making Peace      
  To Exhort and Reprove      
  1 Timothy      
  2 Timothy      

Hebrew II

(Dr. William Fullilove)

Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia Ellinger, Rudolph   Biblia Hebraica online
  Introduction to Hebrew: A Guide to Learning and Using Biblical Hebrew Fullilove    
  Concise Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament Holladay    

Isaiah to Malachi

(Dr. William Fullilove)

Handbook on the Prophets Chisolm EBSCO  
  Introduction to the Old Testament Dillard and Longman EBSCO  
  Interpreting the Prophetic Word


  A Biblical-Theological Introduction to the Old Testament Van Pelt ed. EBSCO  
  Lamentations Villanueva    

Introduction to Syriac

(Dr. William Fullilov)

Classical Syriac for Hebraists Muraoka    
   Introduction to Syriac Thackston    

An Introduction to Syriac Studies: Third Edition

  The Bible in the Syriac Tradition: Third Edition Brock    

History of Christianity II

(Dr. Michael Allen)

Three Treatises Luther    
  Spiritual-Mindedness Owen   Monergism 
  Protestantism and Progress: The Significance of Protestantism for the Rise of the Modern World Troeltsch    
  Christianity and Liberalism Machen   Monergism
  Melanchthon and Bucer Bucer


(Dr. William Fullilove)

Preaching Christ from the Old Testament Greidanus    
  On the Reliability of the Old Testament Kitchen    
  He Gave Us Stories Pratt    
  A Biblical History of Israel Provan,Long,Longman    
  A Biblical-Theological Introduction to the Old Testament: The Gospel Promised  VanPelt EBSCO